Go to the end to download the full example code.
Recurrent networks
There are two different approaches to using BackPACK with RNNs.
Custom RNN with BackPACK custom modules: Build your RNN with custom modules provided by BackPACK without overwriting the forward pass. This approach is useful if you want to understand how BackPACK handles RNNs, or if you think building a container module that implicitly defines the forward pass is more elegant than coding up a forward pass.
RNN with BackPACK’s converter: Automatically convert your model into a BackPACK-compatible architecture.
RNNs are still an experimental feature. Always double-check your results, as done in this example! Open an issue if you encounter a bug to help us improve the support.
Not all extensions support RNNs (yet). Please create a feature request in the repository if the extension you need is not supported.
Let’s get the imports out of the way.
from torch import (
from backpack import backpack, extend
from backpack.custom_module.graph_utils import BackpackTracer
from backpack.custom_module.permute import Permute
from backpack.custom_module.reduce_tuple import ReduceTuple
from backpack.extensions import BatchGrad, DiagGGNExact
from backpack.utils.examples import autograd_diag_ggn_exact
DEVICE = device("cpu") # Verification via autograd only works on CPU
For this demo, we will use the Tolstoi Char RNN from DeepOBS. This network is trained on Leo Tolstoi’s War and Peace and learns to predict the next character.
class TolstoiCharRNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.batch_size = 8
self.hidden_dim = 64
self.num_layers = 2
self.seq_len = 15
self.vocab_size = 25
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(
num_embeddings=self.vocab_size, embedding_dim=self.hidden_dim
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(
# deactivate redundant bias = zeros_like(self.lstm.bias_ih_l0) = zeros_like(self.lstm.bias_ih_l1)
self.lstm.bias_ih_l0.requires_grad = False
self.lstm.bias_ih_l1.requires_grad = False
self.dense = nn.Linear(
in_features=self.hidden_dim, out_features=self.vocab_size
def forward(self, x):
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.dropout(x)
x, _ = self.lstm(x) # last return values are hidden states
x = self.dropout(x)
output = self.dense(x)
output = output.permute(0, 2, 1) # [N, T, C] → [N, C, T]
return output
def input_target_fn(self):
input = randint(0, self.vocab_size, (self.batch_size, self.seq_len))
# target is the input shifted by 1 in time axis
target = cat(
randint(0, self.vocab_size, (self.batch_size, 1)),
input[:, :-1],
def loss_fn(self) -> nn.Module:
return nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(DEVICE)
tolstoi_char_rnn = TolstoiCharRNN().to(DEVICE).eval()
loss_function = extend(tolstoi_char_rnn.loss_fn())
x, y = tolstoi_char_rnn.input_target_fn()
Note that instead of the real data set, we will feed synthetic data to the network for
simplicity. We also use the network in evaluation mode. This disables the
layers and allows double-checking our results
via torch.autograd
Custom RNN with BackPACK custom modules
Second-order extensions only work if every node in the computation graph is an
module that can be extended by BackPACK. The above RNN
does not satisfy these conditions, because
it has a multi-layer torch.nn.LSTM
and implicitly uses the
(for unpacking) and permute()
functions in the forward()
To build RNN without overwriting the forward pass, BackPACK offers custom modules:
With the above modules, we can build a simple RNN as a container that implicitly defines the forward pass:
manual_seed(1) # same seed as used to initialize `tolstoi_char_rnn`
tolstoi_char_rnn_custom = nn.Sequential(
nn.Embedding(tolstoi_char_rnn.vocab_size, tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim),
nn.LSTM(tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim, tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim, batch_first=True),
nn.LSTM(tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim, tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim, batch_first=True),
nn.Linear(tolstoi_char_rnn.hidden_dim, tolstoi_char_rnn.vocab_size),
Permute(0, 2, 1),
(0): Embedding(25, 64)
(1): Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=False)
(2): LSTM(64, 64, batch_first=True)
(3): ReduceTuple()
(4): Dropout(p=0.36, inplace=False)
(5): LSTM(64, 64, batch_first=True)
(6): ReduceTuple()
(7): Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=False)
(8): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=25, bias=True)
(9): Permute()
Let’s check that both models have the same forward pass.
for name, p in tolstoi_char_rnn_custom.named_parameters():
if "bias_ih_l" in name:
# deactivate redundant bias = zeros_like(
p.requires_grad = False
match = allclose(tolstoi_char_rnn_custom(x), tolstoi_char_rnn(x))
print(f"Forward pass of custom model matches TolstoiCharRNN? {match}")
if not match:
raise AssertionError("Forward passes don't match.")
Forward pass of custom model matches TolstoiCharRNN? True
We can extend
our model and the loss function to
compute BackPACK extensions.
tolstoi_char_rnn_custom = extend(tolstoi_char_rnn_custom)
loss = loss_function(tolstoi_char_rnn_custom(x), y)
with backpack(BatchGrad(), DiagGGNExact()):
for name, param in tolstoi_char_rnn_custom.named_parameters():
if param.requires_grad:
0.weight torch.Size([25, 64]) torch.Size([8, 25, 64]) torch.Size([25, 64])
2.weight_ih_l0 torch.Size([256, 64]) torch.Size([8, 256, 64]) torch.Size([256, 64])
2.weight_hh_l0 torch.Size([256, 64]) torch.Size([8, 256, 64]) torch.Size([256, 64])
2.bias_hh_l0 torch.Size([256]) torch.Size([8, 256]) torch.Size([256])
5.weight_ih_l0 torch.Size([256, 64]) torch.Size([8, 256, 64]) torch.Size([256, 64])
5.weight_hh_l0 torch.Size([256, 64]) torch.Size([8, 256, 64]) torch.Size([256, 64])
5.bias_hh_l0 torch.Size([256]) torch.Size([8, 256]) torch.Size([256])
8.weight torch.Size([25, 64]) torch.Size([8, 25, 64]) torch.Size([25, 64])
8.bias torch.Size([25]) torch.Size([8, 25]) torch.Size([25])
Comparison of the GGN diagonal extension with torch.autograd
Computing the full GGN diagonal with PyTorch’s built-in automatic differentiation can be slow, depending on the number of parameters. To reduce run time, we only compare some elements of the diagonal.
trainable_params = [p for p in tolstoi_char_rnn_custom.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
diag_ggn_exact_vector = cat([p.diag_ggn_exact.flatten() for p in trainable_params])
num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in trainable_params)
num_to_compare = 10
idx_to_compare = linspace(0, num_params - 1, num_to_compare, device=DEVICE, dtype=int32)
diag_ggn_exact_to_compare = autograd_diag_ggn_exact(
x, y, tolstoi_char_rnn_custom, loss_function, idx=idx_to_compare
print("Do the exact GGN diagonals match?")
for idx, element in zip(idx_to_compare, diag_ggn_exact_to_compare):
match = allclose(element, diag_ggn_exact_vector[idx])
f"Diagonal entry {idx:>8}: {match}:"
+ f"\t{element:.5e}, {diag_ggn_exact_vector[idx]:.5e}"
if not match:
raise AssertionError("Exact GGN diagonals don't match!")
Do the exact GGN diagonals match?
Diagonal entry 0: True: 3.49859e-07, 3.49858e-07
Diagonal entry 7696: True: 1.52881e-07, 1.52881e-07
Diagonal entry 15393: True: 5.09857e-07, 5.09857e-07
Diagonal entry 23090: True: 6.00690e-09, 6.00689e-09
Diagonal entry 30787: True: 2.20773e-08, 2.20773e-08
Diagonal entry 38484: True: 1.05477e-08, 1.05477e-08
Diagonal entry 46181: True: 3.00283e-05, 3.00282e-05
Diagonal entry 53878: True: 3.29222e-09, 3.29222e-09
Diagonal entry 61575: True: 2.02606e-06, 2.02606e-06
Diagonal entry 69272: True: 4.29104e-02, 4.29104e-02
RNN with BackPACK’s converter
If you are not building an RNN through custom modules but for instance want to
directly use the Tolstoi Char RNN, BackPACK offers a converter.
It analyzes the model and tries to turn it into a compatible architecture. The result
is a torch.fx.GraphModule
that exclusively consists of modules.
Here, we demonstrate the converter on the above Tolstoi Char RNN. Let’s convert it
while extend
-ing the model:
# use BackPACK's converter to extend the model (turned off by default)
tolstoi_char_rnn = extend(tolstoi_char_rnn, use_converter=True)
To get an understanding what happened, we can inspect the model’s graph with the following helper function:
def print_table(module: nn.Module) -> None:
"""Prints a table of the module.
module: module to analyze
graph = BackpackTracer().trace(module)
opcode name target args kwargs
----------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- --------
placeholder x x () {}
call_module embedding embedding (x,) {}
call_module dropout0 dropout0 (embedding,) {}
call_module lstm_lstm_0 lstm.lstm_0 (dropout0,) {}
call_module lstm_reduce_tuple_0 lstm.reduce_tuple_0 (lstm_lstm_0,) {}
call_module lstm_dropout_0 lstm.dropout_0 (lstm_reduce_tuple_0,) {}
call_module lstm_lstm_1 lstm.lstm_1 (lstm_dropout_0,) {}
call_module reduce_tuple0 reduce_tuple0 (lstm_lstm_1,) {}
call_module reduce_tuple1 reduce_tuple1 (lstm_lstm_1,) {}
call_module dropout1 dropout1 (reduce_tuple0,) {}
call_module dense dense (dropout1,) {}
call_module permute0 permute0 (dense,) {}
output output output (permute0,) {}
Note that the computation graph fully consists of modules (indicated by
in the first table column) such that BackPACK’s hooks can
successfully backpropagate additional information for its second-order extensions
(first-order extensions work, too).
First, let’s compare the forward pass with the custom module from the previous section to make sure the converter worked fine:
match = allclose(tolstoi_char_rnn_custom(x), tolstoi_char_rnn(x))
print(f"Forward pass of extended TolstoiCharRNN matches custom model? {match}")
if not match:
raise AssertionError("Forward passes don't match.")
Forward pass of extended TolstoiCharRNN matches custom model? True
Now let’s verify that second-order extensions (GGN diagonal) are working:
output = tolstoi_char_rnn(x)
loss = loss_function(output, y)
with backpack(DiagGGNExact()):
for name, parameter in tolstoi_char_rnn.named_parameters():
if parameter.requires_grad:
print(f"{name}'s diag_ggn_exact: {parameter.diag_ggn_exact.shape}")
diag_ggn_exact_vector = cat(
for p in tolstoi_char_rnn.parameters()
if p.requires_grad
embedding.weight's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([25, 64])
lstm.lstm_0.weight_ih_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256, 64])
lstm.lstm_0.weight_hh_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256, 64])
lstm.lstm_0.bias_hh_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256])
lstm.lstm_1.weight_ih_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256, 64])
lstm.lstm_1.weight_hh_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256, 64])
lstm.lstm_1.bias_hh_l0's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([256])
dense.weight's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([25, 64])
dense.bias's diag_ggn_exact: torch.Size([25])
Finally, we compare BackPACK’s GGN diagonal with torch.autograd
Computing the full GGN diagonal with PyTorch’s built-in automatic differentiation can be slow, depending on the number of parameters. To reduce run time, we only compare some elements of the diagonal.
num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in tolstoi_char_rnn.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
num_to_compare = 10
idx_to_compare = linspace(0, num_params - 1, num_to_compare, device=DEVICE, dtype=int32)
diag_ggn_exact_to_compare = autograd_diag_ggn_exact(
x, y, tolstoi_char_rnn, loss_function, idx=idx_to_compare
print("Do the exact GGN diagonals match?")
for idx, element in zip(idx_to_compare, diag_ggn_exact_to_compare):
match = allclose(element, diag_ggn_exact_vector[idx])
f"Diagonal entry {idx:>8}: {match}:"
+ f"\t{element:.5e}, {diag_ggn_exact_vector[idx]:.5e}"
if not match:
raise AssertionError("Exact GGN diagonals don't match!")
Do the exact GGN diagonals match?
Diagonal entry 0: True: 3.49859e-07, 3.49858e-07
Diagonal entry 7696: True: 1.52881e-07, 1.52881e-07
Diagonal entry 15393: True: 5.09857e-07, 5.09857e-07
Diagonal entry 23090: True: 6.00690e-09, 6.00689e-09
Diagonal entry 30787: True: 2.20773e-08, 2.20773e-08
Diagonal entry 38484: True: 1.05477e-08, 1.05477e-08
Diagonal entry 46181: True: 3.00283e-05, 3.00282e-05
Diagonal entry 53878: True: 3.29222e-09, 3.29222e-09
Diagonal entry 61575: True: 2.02606e-06, 2.02606e-06
Diagonal entry 69272: True: 4.29104e-02, 4.29104e-02
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.091 seconds)